The Fatima Latif Welfare Trust is committed to providing high quality services in healthcare, education and community development. You can donate and join FLWT in its goal to help the poor and underprivileged people in Pakistan.
You have the option of sending donations in the following categories:
Zakat Donation
Sadaqah Donation
Project Specific Donation
Sponsor a diabetic patient for 6 months
Sponsor an eye operation
Sponsor addition of 1 hospital bed
Sponsor purchases of blood testing kits for 1 month
Sponsor purchase of 1 domestic sewing machine
You can send a cheque payable to ‘Fatima Latif Welfare Trust’ at 192 Y Commercial, Phase III DHA, Lahore, Pakistan.
Bank Transfer
Bank transfer details are as follows: Accounts Title : Fatima Latif Welfare Trust Account Number: 151058008664001 Branch Code: 058 Bank Name: Telenor Micro Finance Bank (Easy Paisa-Telenor Bank) Bank Branch: NEW GARDEN TOWN BRANCH LAHORE